Earth Created vs. Lab Created Diamonds: A Guide

 Grown diamonds have become increasingly popular, and ANOR is at the forefront of merging this exciting trend with unique Jewellery. As with many new innovations, some people are initially skeptical when they hear about lab-grown diamonds. However, rest assured, the ANOR grown diamonds offer a perfect alternative to earth-created diamonds.

What Is A Diamond?

Diamonds are carbon atoms. When they’re arranged in a very particular structure, you get the tough and beautiful stone we know and love. Producing this special carbon arrangement in nature demands conditions that are intense. We’re talking high heat and super-high pressure. Needless to say, very few places in the world are capable of producing earth created diamonds.

Talk about your brand

  • Earth created diamonds are sourced from below the earth’s surface, whereas lab created diamonds are created in simulated “below-ground” conditions in a lab.
  • To put it simply, their origin is the only difference between these two types of diamonds. 
  • Technology has advanced to the point that we don’t always have to go digging for our precious stones; we can simulate the necessary extreme conditions in specialized pressure chambers in a lab.
  • Lab created diamonds are grown from tiny carbon “seeds” that develop in these chambers over months, as scorching gasses deposit carbon atom-by-atom onto the original seed. Lab created diamonds even develop their own unique characteristics (inclusions, clarity, etc.) along the way, and once they’re fully grown, they’re cut into the shape that suits their qualities best.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Your Diamond

Picking a diamond isn’t easy, there’s your budget to consider, your partner’s preference for cut, clarity, carat, and color, and its rarity factor. 


One of the biggest upsides to lab grown diamonds is that they’re generally about 70% or more affordable than earth created diamonds. Why? The diamond-growing process is less resource-intensive than the diamond-mining process. It simply costs less to grow a diamond in a lab than it does to mine a diamond from the earth, and those savings are passed along to diamond shoppers. That means that for the same cost, you can purchase a lab created diamond that’s 50% larger than an earth created one but just as dazzling.


Earth created diamonds are the classic choice. ANOR’s Lab created diamonds are the fresh choice.There is no doubt that earth created diamonds contain millennia of history, tradition, and romance. They are one of nature’s most incredible products. Drawn from deep within the earth, these sparkling treasures have been proudly flaunted by generations, paving the way for you to carry on the tradition.Lab created diamonds, on the other hand, are the next step in diamond history. Technically speaking, they’re brand new. But traditionally speaking, diamonds are diamonds forever. Lab created diamonds give their wearer a unique chance to create new memories.Both earth created diamonds and lab created diamonds hold their sparkle forever, so they’ll be just as beautiful when you pass them on as heirlooms as they are when you wear them on a night out.

Cuts & Colors 

Both earth created and lab created diamonds are available in nearly every shape and color – even fancy colors! Colorful diamonds, like canary yellow ones, are quite rare. Their shocking hues are caused by trace amounts of non-carbon elements, like nitrogen. By adding these elements to a growing diamond in its pressure chamber, lab grown diamonds take on the same fancy colors as earth created diamonds.

GIA/IGI/SGL Certified Lab Created Diamonds

Like all earth created diamonds, lab grown diamonds also come with their very own birth certificate.Since lab grown diamonds are optically and chemically the same as mined diamonds, they come with their own certification. Today, most lab created diamonds are certified by IGI, International Gemological Institute. Additionally, these diamonds are being accepted and certified by the GIA, the Gemological Institute of America, which has developed sophisticated devices that are used to screen and identify the difference between natural diamonds and lab grown ones. At ANOR our customer have the option to certify their diamonds from any lab they choose.

Should You Get a Lab Created Diamond Engagement Ring

The short answer is, why not? Here are 5 reasons to choose a lab created diamond engagement ring: 

1: Budget-Friendly

You’re able to maximize your budget and walk away with a bigger center stone for your engagement ring if you choose a lab created diamond. Furthermore, it might not even be about the size of the ring, but more about being able to get the diamond of your dreams for a third of the price. 

2: An Ethical Choice 

Lab grown diamonds are an ethical choice because they are guaranteed to come conflict-free since they’re not mined. 

3: Stress-Free Shopping Experience 

Most online jewelry retailers with customization options, like our very own ring studio, allow you to choose your preferred center stone. That means you’re able to inspect your diamond options (often in real-time), and browse at your own pace.

4: Lab created diamonds are REAL

This can’t be emphasized enough, both lab grown diamonds and mined diamonds have the same chemical, optical, and physical properties. A lab created diamond is not a diamond alternative like moissanite, it’s the real deal.